Sutton Hoo helmet enamel pin by the saxon storyteller for northern fire

Rædwald's Helm | Enamel Pin


Following on from his interpretation of the Sutton Hoo helmet (Rædwalds Helm Art Print), The Saxon Storyteller has modified his design so you can now wear a piece of history through his new enamel pin.

Found in East Anglia (one of the 4 main English kingdoms of the period and named after the "Angles" - a Germanic tribe who settled in the area) it is thought that this helmet belonged to Rædwald who was a king of this region in the early 7th Century.

Whether you believe it was worn by Rædwald or not, it is hard not to see the helmet as one of the symbols of the Anglo Saxons.


Material & Make

Our pins are crafted in solid metal with enamel detailing and a sturdy pin for security of closure and longevity.


About The Artist

The Saxon Storyteller is an illustrator known for his incredible ability to capture the character and theme of artifacts and historical figures. Reminiscent of Saxon and Viking iconography, his subject matter ranges from members of the lore (such as Ragnar Lothbrok) to those of Tolkien (like Gandalf and other members of the Fellowship). You may also recognize his work as the key illustrator of the Nordic Mythology Podcast, where his images appear unique to each episode and its content.

On Northern Fire, you can find the artwork of Saxon Storyteller on clothing, prints, and pins. 


Size & Dimensions

Rough diameter of 5cm (2 inches)