Hand forged Odin bottle opener by oak tree forge

Hand Forged Odin Bottle Opener


This bottle opener was hand forged by Great Ash Forge from steel. It depicts the father of the Norse gods, Odin. Throughout history, Odin was often associated with wisdom and poetry but also death and war. In his search for wisdom, he would often travel alone under several different names and would sometimes resemble an old wanderer.

During the Viking age, ale and mead would have been brewed in barrels and consumed from either horns or tankards... but we'd like to think that if the Norsemen were still raiding the coastlines of Europe and beyond, they would open their (probably looted) beers with one of these...


Material & Make

This item has been hand forged in England from steel at the Great Ash Forge smithy. For anyone not familiar with the forging process, this has been created entirely with fire, a hammer and an anvil and although quite small, this piece took great effort and time to create.

All Max's raw materials are sourced in the UK.

Because these pieces are hand made, there may be slight variations from the product picture.


About The Artist

Max Freeman of Great Ash Forge is an accomplished blacksmith whose products range from historical replicas to artistic endeavours with sculpting. From spear heads to fire dogs and jewellery, Max’s mastery of his craft becomes apparent in the diversity of objects he creates, and is fuelled by his interest in Nordic and Celtic history.

Within his Northern Fire collection, you’ll find a range of his crafts, all hammered by hand and forged in fire.

Size & Dimensions
